Draft guide

Sealed Format

Players are provided with 6 packs. Only cards pulled from these 6 packs can be used to create a minimum of 20 cards main deck and 10 cards resource deck. Players will be given a minimum of 20 minutes to build their decks. All other cards pulled can be used as a sideboard.

  • Organizers may require players to provide a deck list made from the cards pulled. This list may also include a list of all cards pulled from the 6 packs. Additional time must be given to write the list.


Draft Format


Players are provided with 3 packs. Players are to be organized in pods of 4 or more players (multiples of 4 are recommended) in a table. Organizers will determine which set the packs would be selected from and if any additional packs should be given as long as all players have the same amount of packs.



  • Players open their booster pack at the same time. In case that the booster packs used are from different sets the packs will be opened from oldest set to latest set.

  • Each player then selects 1 card they would keep for their card pool. The cards are then neatly piled face down in front of the player, players who do this may no longer look in the pile and change the card he picked.

  • Each pile is then passed to the player to the left (clockwise). Players then look into the pile passed to him, select 1 card and place the rest face down and waits for all players to select a card for their card pool. Repeat this process until all players have a card pool of 12 cards or until all the cards in the first booster packs have been drafted.

  • Players then open their next booster pack, choose a card, add it to his card pool, and then pass the pile to the player to his right (counterclockwise). Repeat this process until all cards have been drafted.

  • Repeat the first step until all 3 booster packs have been drafted.

  • Once all players have their card pools, each player will be given a minimum of 20 minutes to build a 20 card main deck and 10 card resource deck.


The first and third booster packs will be passed to the left (clockwise) while the second and fourth booster packs will be passed to the right (counterclockwise). Players are recommended to use a Draft Founder (which will have all names of founders currently available), though it will be in the organizers discretion to allow proxies.