
This document is the description of the rules intended for MegaCorp.

Number of players

  • This game is played by 2 players by default.

  • Multiplayer mode should allow for up to 9 players.

How to win

  • At the end of any turn, if any player has ran out of money (M) he/she is deemed to have lost the game.

  • At any point of the game, if any player loses their business, he/she is deemed to have lost the game.

    • Businesses can be lost under 2 conditions:

      • Business card being defeated in a Challenge.

      • The Business is bought by another player.

  • Opponent concedes the game.

  • A player is unable to draw cards from his/her main deck.

  • A player has his/her Business orphaned (not legally docked to any card) at the end of the player's own turn.

  • A card effect makes a player win the game.

  • If all players would lose the game at the same time. The game ends in a tie.

Basic Concepts

  • Basic Rule of Megacorp: If the comprehensive rules and printed card text conflict. The card takes precedence. Cards are allowed to alter the rules of the game
    • Player: The person who is playing the game, on each turn, the player who is performing the turn is called the turn player.

    • Owner: Owner of the card is a player who brought the card at the start of the game.

    • Control: During the game, cards and effects are controlled by a player if any cards or effects refers to you, it refers to the controller if no controller amending effects are in play, controller is deemed as below:

      • Controller of a card is an owner of it.

      • Controller of an ability is a controller of the card with the ability.

      • Controller of effect is a controller of the ability which produces the effect.

    • Money: Money is the basic resource of the game. Money is notated by the format X M where X is a number. Players begin the game with 10 money unless they bid to start.
      • Players cannot have negative money. If a player would lose more money than it has, he or she goes to 0 Money.

      • Players cannot spend more money that they have.

    • Cashflow: A card ability named cashflow generates money each turn according to the amount specified each accounting phase. If a player reaches 0 money or below at the end of any turn, he/she loses the game.

      • Cashflow is denoted by M. if you have any fractions less that 1M, round it up to the nearest 1M.

Characteristic of the Cards

Character. Event. Equipment and Location. A Megacorp card looks like this:

Card Charactistic

Characters: A character symbolizes many things, consumers, personalities, employees, etc. Characters are your main resource in Megacorp, they provide money, resources and valuable abilities for you to use for your business.

  • Type

    • The group this card belongs to.

    • Category of cards: Character, Event, Equipment or Location.

    • All non event cards are assets.

    • Events which have keyword ‘permanent’  remains in the zone after it is played.

  • Name

    • Name of the Card.

    • Name is referred when deck is built as its restrictions.

    • If an effect refers a name with “ “, it refers to a card with that name or a part with that name.

  • Cost

    • Otherwise known as “Valuation”.

    • Cost is split into money and trait valuation.

    • Cost is the requirement for a card to be played.

    • Costs includes the attribute cost and the cashflow required to be paid.

    • Multiple cards are allowed to be engaged in order to produce the required attribute cost to deploy the card.

    • The “Total Valuation” of a card is the numerical sum of its monetary valutation plus its trait valuation.

      • For Example a card with a valuation of 5M + 2 BQ has a total valuation of 7.

  • Symbol

    • Symbol denotes which faction the card belongs to.

  • Text

    • Abilities of the card.

    • If a card has more than one paragraph on its text, they are separate abilities.

    • If the font for the text is different from the abilities, it is known as the flavor text and have no rules purpose.

  • Traits
    Traits consists of:

    • IQ = Intelligent quotient (blue)

    • EQ = Emotional quotient (red)

    • MQ = Moral quotient (white)

    • BQ = Body quotient (green)

    • All cards may have one or more of the above traits with a score of 0 or higher. Cards which do not have a trait have it indicated by a null “-” sign. Cards which have null traits cannot receive damage of that trait, and cannot block cards during combat using the declared trait

Zone is an area where the cards and abilities are placed.

  • General

    • During a game, cards are placed in places called zones. Each player has their own zone.

    • If a card Is moved to a zone and the zone is not specified who it belongs to, the card is moved to a zone belonging to the owner of the card.

  • Cards Orientation

    • In certain zones, a card has specific orientations: Disengaged and Engaged - A disengaged card is a card placed in the portrait orientation, the right side up, with the card text visible and unobscured. An Engaged card is placed 180 degrees upside down with the card text visible and unobscured. Engaged cards are placed upside down whereas disengaged cards are placed the right side up.

    • Engaged cards in play can be purchased by opponents for their total valuation; both monetary and trait costs.  The money valuation is then credited to the last controller of the card.

    • An Engaged business can be purchased by opponent for its valuation (10M). A player whose business is purchased/bought loses the game immediately.

    • Engaged cards cannot block.

    • Engaged characters cannot deal retaliation damage.

    • Engaged cards cannot be sold.

    • Engaged cards lose all continuous abilities.

    • Cards with the upkeep ability still require to have their upkeep paid regardless of whether they are in the engaged or disengaged state.

  • Bonded Cards

    • Bonded Cards are placed under other cards.

    • The bond effect is usually to denote a permanent bestowment of an ability, equipping of equipment or effect on the card with the bond ability with cards they are bonded with.

    • Bonded cards cannot use any abilities, attack, block or be engaged for trait resource.

    • Bonded cards are destroyed when the card or cards above them are destroyed.

    • Bonded cards may not be targeted, unless by a card with the PENETRATOR ability.

    • Bonded cards are annihilated when the card or cards above them are annihilated.

    • When the cards above a bonded card is returned to its controller's hand, the bonded card is also returned to its controller's hand.

    • When the card above a bonded card is sold, the bonded card is destroyed (only the topmost card in the pile is sold, the others are discarded).

    • Bonded cards engage/disengage at the same time the bonded card engages/disengages.  The cards retain the same orientation.

    • If a bonded card is destroyed, only it is destroyed.

  • Resource (Minimum 20 Cards)

    • The zone a player places his/her resource deck (cards with green backs).

    • This Zone is classified as a ‘Deck’ for triggered effects such as searching.

    • Players are only able purchase/buy cards in their own respective resource zone.

    • A card will be revealed from the resource zone at the end of the respective accounting phases. If it is not purchased, move it to the bottom of the deck.

  • Main deck (Minimum 40 Cards)

    • The zone a player places his/her main deck (cards with blue backs).

    • This Zone is classified as a ‘Deck’ for triggered effects such as searching.

    • Each player has his/her main deck zone, its content is hidden and the order of the cards are managed.

    • The deck construction rules might vary by format.

  • Open Market (Discard Pile)

    • The zone where sold or used cards are placed.

    • Each player has their own open market and the order is managed.

    • A player may only purchase the top revealed card of the open market.

    • The Open Market is a order managed zone. Players may not change the order or shuffle the open  market without an effect telling them to do so.
    • Bidding - if more than 1 player wishes to purchase the same card from the open market, they may bid for the card by paying a higher valuation value.  If there is a tie in bids, there are 2 additional bid wars until a player outbids their opponent.  If there are no winning bids after 3 attempts, the card in the open market is unavailable until the next turn.

  • Hand

    • The Zone player puts the cards drawn.

    • Each player has their own hand and it is hidden and order of the cards are not managed.

    • There is no maximum hand size.

    • Only cards that a player owned may be put into their hands.

    • If a card effect would put a card owned by another player to a player’s hand it is put on top of the Open Market instead.

  • Network

    • The zone players puts their characters, equipments, and permanent events.

    • Card needs to be docked with another card to be legally docked. If a card is no longer docked to any other adjacent card, it is considered “Orphaned” and will be discarded to the open market at the end of the turn.

    • Any engaged cards in the network can be purchased by an opponent during their turn, the cash used will be provided to the owner of the card.

    • A row is defined as any series of cards horizontally parallel to the business.

    • A column is defined as any series of cards in a network vertically parallel to the business.

    • This included the row and the column where the business itself is located.

  • Annihilated Area

    • The zone where cards placed are permanently unavailable for any form of purchase/buy.

Setting up the Game

Before the game, each player constructs their deck and prepares for the game.

  • Constructing the deck

    • Each player prepares his/her main deck, resource deck, a business and a founder card.

    • The Main deck is a stack of cards which consists of cards with the blue backing. The Main deck must consist of 40 or more cards. A maximum of 4 copies of any card can be placed inside the main deck.

    • The resource deck is a stack of cards which consists of resource cards. The Resource deck must consist of 20 or more cards. There is no limit to the number of copies of any card placed in the resource deck.

  • Setting up the game

    • Before the game, each player shuffles his/her main deck and resource deck and places them into their respective zones, face down.

    • Each player begins with 10m Cash.

    • In a multiplayer game, each player has to spend money equal to their bid to go first. And the players are arranged according to bid order from highest to lowest. If two players bid the same, they have to rebid. If the rebid produces the same result, the players may rebid up to two more times ( a total of three rebids) then both players roll dice to determine who has the higher of the two bids.

    • Each person draws 5 cards from their main deck to hand.

    • Each player may choose to mulligan their hand by shuffling it into the deck and draw 1 card less, repeat this for every instance they choose to mulligan.

    • Choose a player at random and he/she chooses to go first or not. The players may instead opt to bid to go first, this can be via a concealed dice or concealed number on a piece of paper. Both players reveal the bid and the higher bidder begins the game with that much less money. (E.g. bidder who bids 2 begins the game with 2m less money). Only the higher bidder spends money in a 2 player game.

    • Each person places their Founder card adjacent to their business card.

    • The first player is the turn player, begin the turn.

Turn Sequences

  • A - Accounting Phase

    • Trigger any “at the beginning of turn” or “during A phase” or “at the beginning of game” (if this is the active players’ first turn) conditions.

    • Cards with abilities that trigger during the A phase are triggered only once regardless of the number of times they are put into play.

    • Do the following in Order. (there is no priority window here). Receive Cashflow (except from cards with Cashflow that are engaged), Disengage all cards in the player’s network, Empty all Trait Pools, AND pay any upkeep costs.

    • A player may choose to not pay the Upkeep cost of a card, If he or she does the card is destroyed.

    • Reveal the top card of the resource deck. The player may choose to buy the revealed card during the Buy Phase. If she does not, place the revealed card at the bottom of the resource deck at the end of the Buy Phase.

    • Draw a card from the main deck. However, if this is the very first turn of a 2 player game, the player does not draw.  (priority window resumes here). 

  • B – Buy Phase

    • Trigger any “at the beginning of buy phase” conditions.

    • Turn player may purchase cards from: Open market, player’s hand, Cards in opponents which are engaged.

    • No player may buy cards from their opponents network until the end of their opponents second turn.

    • All cards deployed must be legally docked, cards can be deployed on an opponent's network.

  • C – Challenge Phase

    • Trigger any “at the beginning of Challenge phase” conditions.

    • Turn player can choose to attack or forfeit the attack.

    • Only character cards can attack.

    • Characters can attack any kind of card (All asset types and events) not just other characters.

    • Characters may not attack themselves.

    • Choose a character and a target space (the proposed defender). Declare which attribute to be contested in.

    • The attacker can only choose a trait that it has a positive value (i.e.: 1 or higher) to attack with.

    • The attacker can only choose a challenge target (the defender) if it has at least 0 in that trait. If the proposed defender has a N.A or “-” value for that trait, it may not be attacked via that trait. 

    • If the card inside the targeted space has moved to another space, the attack is considered nullified and the attacker remains engaged. 

    • If a card has all of its four sides covered, it cannot be declared as a target of challenge. (This is called the ‘surround rule’.

    • Engage the challenging character, the attack will only proceed if the card is still legally docked after engaging.

    • Turn player may repeat this for as many characters they wish to attack with.

    • Each character can only attack once a turn.

  • Block Step

    • Trigger any “at the beginning of block step” conditions.

    • The player who controls the proposed defender may choose any DISENGAGED cards adjacent to the initial target to be declared as a blocker. (any card and not just characters).

    • The initial target retains its status as the proposed defender and cannot be declared as a blocker for the challenge.

    • A card cannot be declared as a blocker as long as it has a null “-” in the declared trait of the attack.

    • More than one blocker can be declared as long as all blockers are legal and adjacent to the proposed defender.

    • The cards blocking joins the proposed defender in the challenge.

    • The proposed defender may then opt to stay in the challenge or be remove from it as long as atleast one card is declare as a blocker, if the proposed defender opted to stay, it becomes a defender immediately. 

    • All remaining cards which are chosen as blockers becomes a defender.

    • Trigger any “at the end of block step” conditions.

    • Attacking card deals its trait damage to the defender and defending card may opt to deal the same trait damage back (this is called ‘’retaliation”damage). This damage is dealt at the same time. 

    • If any cards in the challenge receives damage in one trait that reduces its trait score to zero, it is destroyed.

    • Cards which have a 0 trait score to begin with, deal 0 damage in that trait when attacking or defending. They are destroyed when dealt 1 point of damage of that trait. 

    • Defending cards can only retaliate once per turn, meaning if the defender is attacked twice by two separate cards, its controller can decide to forgo dealing retaliation damage to the first attacker in order to deal retaliation damage to the second attacker.

    • The retaliation damage done by the defender/blocker must be the same trait which declared in the challenge.

    • Resolve Initiative attacks before damage is dealt to both parties.

    • If more than one blocker is declared the attacker distributes the damage as he sees fit, as long as the total damage dealt is equal to the trait declared for the attack.

    • If the attribute stats are the same, both characters will go into their respective open markets.

    • When a card Targets another card, it targets the topmost card in the space the card is occupying, this means that if the targeted space consists of a card which has other cards bonded to it (underneath it), only the top card is subject to the effect which is targeting it.

  • D – Divest Phase

    • Turn player may choose to sell any single disengaged unit of asset they control for its current valuation. This does not include the trait component. (I.e. a card with 2M and 1 BQ cost will net the selling player 2M only).

    • All cards in one unit will be sold. (ie. the top most card and all cards bonded to it).

    • The player gains M equ.

    • Players may not sell their Business.

  • E – End Phase

    • If turn player Business is Orphaned, she loses the game.

    • If any player in the game has no money, they lose the game. 

    • Discard any illegally docked or orphaned cards. 

    • Discard all non-permanent Event cards (i.e.: cards with the keyword “Event” without also the keyword “permanent”).

    • All damages are healed except for Permanent Damage.

    • Resolve all End of Turn triggers and Automatic abilities.


Player's Action

  • Deploy Event

    • Events can be deployed at any point of the game and in any phase as long as the cost can be fulfilled.

    • A player declares they are playing an event before (event has not resolved yet).  Once the event is resolved, the player may target a slot for which the event may be docked.  Once the targeted slot has been chosen, no player may play another event in that same slot, unless the event occupying that network slot has been removed.

    • Event cards still must be deployed (placed in a space in any players network) to resolve.

    • Event cards will be discarded at the end of the present turn (At the E phase).

    • If an event card is on top of the open market pile, both players have access to it.

    • If two players wish to buy the same event at the same time, such as in where the even is engaged or on top of an open market pile, both players must bid. Bids may be made using a concealed amount on dice or on a piece of paper. Both players reveal their Bids at the same time. Bids made must be equal to or higher than the valuation of the event being bid for. The winner of this bid must pay the amount she bid for plus any secondary trait cost of the card. If both players enter the same bid, the card may not be bought this turn by either player.

  • Deploy Permanent Event

    • Permanent events have both the “event” and “permanent” keywords printed in their type.

    • The player chooses an Event card, pays the cost and deploys into onto either her own or opponent's network, legally docked.

    • Permanent events can be deployed at any point of the game as long as the cost can be fulfilled.

    • A permanent event stays on the network until removed by an effect/ability or loses a challenge.

  • Deploy Asset

    • Turn player may deploy an asset (An asset is any non-event card) if he/she has priority.

    • The player chooses an asset card, pays its total valuation and deploys into onto either her own or opponent's network, legally docked. An asset is always deployed disengaged relative to the owner of that network. E.g.: if an asset is played on an opponent’s network, the asset is disengaged/right-side-up relative to that opponent.

    • Characters may use all abilities, engage to produce trait, or attack on the turn they are deployed.

  • Deploy revealed Resource

    • Toward the end of the Accounting phase, the top card of the resource pile is revealed to the turn player.

    • Turn player may choose to deploy the character/location revealed in the resource pile.

    • If the revealed card is not deployed, it will be sent to the bottom of the resource pile deck at the end of the Buy (B) Phase.

  • Playing a Card and Response Windows

    • Declare what card to play and reveal it, then choose network, check space and declare target(s) for the effects that will be generated. Lastly, produce TRAITS, pay cost (this steps does not use the stack) and put the card being played on the stack

      - Player response (follows the step by step procedure of playing a card)

      * Resolve effects for playing a card
      - Player response  (follows the step by step procedure of playing a card)

      * Resolve effects for deploying a card
      - Player response  (follows the step by step procedure of playing a card)

      * Dock the played card
      - Player response  (follows the step by step procedure of playing a card)

      * Resolve effects for docking a card
      - Player response  (follows the step by step procedure of playing a card)

  • Initiate challenge

    • Turn player may initiate battle during their challenge phase.

  • Produce trait

    • At anytime a player needs to pay a cost or any time a player has priority that player may opt to produce the TRAIT required.

    • A card may only produce one (1) type of it's trait as long as it's value is not (-). 

    • To produce a trait ,a player must choose a disengaged card and the TRAIT that it will produce.

    • Engage the chosen card as a cost of producing the chosen trait.

    • Put a number of generated TRAITS to the player's TRAIT POOL. (this step doesn't use the stack)
      (i.e. a card with 3BQ can be engaged to produce 3BQ). 
      If a card has O score in a trait, it produces none of that trait.

    • These TRAITS are emptied during the A phase (see A phase sequence) and at the End of the Turn.

    • These TRAITS may be used to pay the cost of playing a card or activating a card ability.

  • Selling of cards

    • At the Divest phase, players may sell off one card for its valuation amount. Only the money (M) component is given to the selling player. Non-money costs do not translate into trait energy. Example: A card with 1M and 2BQ valuation will yield only 1M to its controller when sold. 

  • Drawing of cards

    • Whenever an effect requires a player to draw a card, it refers to drawing a card from the Main deck.

  • Searching

    • Several effects/abilities of cards allow a player to search either the main deck or the resource deck or the open market pile.

    • All searches must conclude with the searching player shuffling the deck or open market pile being searched.

    • By default abilities that require a search, search both decks, unless it specifies which deck is searched. If it does, it only searches that deck.

    • If a search is qualitative, which means the search asks for a card with a specific quality such as type or keyword. The player must reveal the searched card before concluding the search.

    • Players can choose to not find any cards if the search is qualitative. Even if there are cards that could be searched in the deck.

    • If a player performs a non-qualitative search the player may not fail to find a card.

Cards & Abilities

  • Ability and effects

    • Ability is the text on the card to produce an effect. They are separated into: Activated ability, Continuous ability and automatic ability.

    • If an effect order is created by an ability. They are separated into one time effect and continuous effect.

  • Activated ability

    • Activated ability are abilities that the controller can use upon paying its costs.

    • Activated abilities of a card may be used at any time and any number of times unless otherwise stated.

  • Continuous Ability

    • Continuous ability are abilities which will apply as long as the ability is active. (Example: Cashflow, Flying, and Disruptor).

    • Continuous abilities do not apply when the card with the ability is engaged, with the sole exception of upkeep. 

    • The effects will still function even the card has bonded(placed underneath) another card.

  • Automatic Ability

    • Automatic ability are abilities which require condition to happen in order to trigger their effect.

    • When the trigger condition of an Automatic Ability happens, the player who controls the card may decide whether to resolve the effects or miss the opportunity. If the trigger passed and the ability is not declared by the controlling player to be resolved then the opportunity is missed.

  • One time effect

    • One time effect is an effect to do something once and end applying after that.

  • Continuous effect

    • Continuous effect is applied over a period or if duration not specified, applied as long as the ability is active.

  • Unique Cards

    • When 2 of the same unique cards exist on a player’s network, the newest copy is deemed to be the only unique copy, send all other copies of that card to the open market and gain money equal to its valuation. Two different player might control the same unique card.

    • If a unique card is deployed under your control, reveal your hand and you may sell all other copies of the same card from hand during your divest phase. ( This also counts to the selling of card in divest phase).

  • Tokens
    • Tokens are representations of a game entity (character, equipment, location etc.).

    • Tokens has the name of the type generated by the effect.

    • Tokens are considered as cards but has no valuation.

    • Tokens are affected by effects that looks for a card type as long as the token is of that type.

    • Tokens ceases to exist when it leaves play.

  • Counters

    • A counter is a marker placed on a card, counters either modify traits on the card or have unique rules interactions.

    • Counters that modify traits are denoted by having a + or a - and the trait it modifies, increase or decrease the trait by the amount indicated by the counter.

    • Treat Magellan Cell Tokens as counters.

    • Counters ceases to exist when destroyed or the card that holds it leaves play.

Rules of Actions

  • Paying of costs

    • To pay cost, a player must reduce their money by the required amount. 

    • If the cost also requires TRAITS to be paid a player may engage any number of cards to produce the TRAITS required.

  • Destroy/discard

    • A destroyed card is moved onto the top of the open market zone.

  • Reveal

    • To reveal a card in a hidden zone, show the information to all players.

    • This ends when the card is moved to another area or the effect to reveal it ends.

  • Annihilate

    • An effect that will remove a card from the game into the annihilated zone.

  • Engage/Disengage

    • To engage a card, make the card engaged. To disengage a card, make the care disengaged.

  • Discard

    • To discard, is to put a card from the hand/network zone into the open market zone. Which means the top of the open market pile.

  • Bid

    • A bid occurs upon certain events happening in the game, such as a conflict of priority, or choosing who goes first.

    • To resolve a bid, both players covertly choose a number no greater than the amount of money they currently have. They can do this using dice, paper  or any other means.

    • Whoever bid the highest amount of money wins the bid and thus spends that same amount of money.

    • If the bid is tied, players repeat the bid to a maximum of 3 times.

  • Conflict of Priority:

    • If both players play effects that interact with the same object or attempt to do the same action at the same time, a conflict of priority is created.

    • To resolve a conflict of priority, both players will bid (CR 8.7) in order to resolve the conflict of priority.

    • Unless the conflict involves the buying of a card, the minimum bid a player can do is 0.

    • If the conflict involves the buying of a card the minimum bid is the valuation of said card.

    • There are up to 3 bids for a card.  If there are no winning bids after 3 attempts, the card being bid upon is unavailable until the next player’s turn, and any card underneath cannot be bought.

    • Once bids are revealed, the player who has the highest bid will pay that much money and his effect will be the one resolved.

Keywords Abilities

  • ABRUPT: ABRUPT can be played at the same as an event would, which is any time, even during another player's turn, or in response to an action by the player such as an attack, a card effect or another event.
  • AREA ATTACK: An AREA ATTACK is applied to all cards with the valid trait within a specified area. 2x2, 3x3, 3x1 etc. The attacker’s chosen attack trait is applied to each defender in the specified area. E.g.: An attacker with 5BQ, will attack all valid defenders in the specified area, dealing 5BQ damage to each one. The defenders may all retaliate as normal. Area attack trait type is normally specified. E. g “Area Attack: BQ 1x4” would mean this card can only use BQ for its attack spanning 1x4 cards.  Attacks made in an area attack are resolved simultaneously and not one by one, for example: if a retaliation from one of the attacked cards would causes the area attacker to be destroyed, it is not destroyed until all its attacks made in the area attack are resolved. Cards which are not legitimate targets within the AREA ATTACK (such as cards which are SURROUNDED or have CAMOUFLAGE) will not be subject to the attack, but do not prevent the other valid targets from being attacked.
  • ASSASSIN: Whenever a card with Assassin destroy another card during combat, the destroyed card is Annihilated instead.
  • BOND: A card with the BOND ability is usually an effect that permanently bestows an ability or effect on the card that it is targeting. The card which is being BONDED is placed under the target card affected. The BONDED card moves together with the card above it, and will be destroyed if the card above it is destroyed. A card may have multiple other cards bonded to it. BONDED cards bestow their ability written in the card text, but are impervious to attacks, damage and effects while under another card.If an engaged character is bonded to an unengaged  mech, the mech in turn becomes engaged.
  • CAMOUFLAGE: If a card with CAMOUFLAGE is docked to another card of the listed type, it may not be targeted or attacked. Example: A card with CAMOUFLAGE: Water, cannot be targeted or attacked while it is adjacent to another card with the #Water keyword - note that effects that do note state ‘target’ may still affect cards which are camouflaged. 
  • Cancel: To cancel a card or ability means to completely negate its effects. Cards that are canceled are destroyed and put on the open market. Abilities that are canceled are removed from the stack. Cancelling a card does not refund the cost of it to the owner of the card.
  • CARD RADIUS: Card Radius refers to the cards surrounding the card defined as the  center. It includes all cards surrounding the card, even the corners. A card radius can be more than the cards surrounding the card.
    • Cards affected by a Card Radius effect are not targeted (i.e.: effects that prevent cards from being targeted will not trigger; the cards will still be affected).
    • The Square is formed even if there aren’t cards in all possible slots, if needed, use imaginary cards to fill the vacant slots to calculate the card radius.
    • To determine what cards are affected by card radius X use the following formula: Card Radius X forms a (2X+1) x (2X+1) Square, with the middle of each side being on the same row or the same column as the card being used to determine card radius. All cards inside this square are affected by the effect.
  • DEAD DROP: A Card with the DEAD DROP ability deployed from hand allows the player controlling this card to search her deck for a number of (type) Equipment cards with valuation equal to or less than the value of the DEAD DROP ability and deploy them. Example: DEAD DROP 7 means that when a card with DEAD DROP 7 is deployed, its controller searches her deck for one or more Equipment cards with a combined valuation of 7M or lower, and then deploys them without paying their valuation cost. DEAD DROP differs from MUTATION in that DEAD DROP may search for and deploy for more than one Equipment card. Trait costs associated with those Equipment cards do not need to be paid.
  • DEMOLISHER:  A card with the DEMOLISHER ability outright destroys any card with the specified keywords on its Demolisher ability:For example a Demolisher(#location, #equipment) will destroy any #location or #equipment if even one point of damage is dealt to them. 
  • DEVELOPMENT: Development is an activated ability of certain cards that enables them to gain development counters.
    • Development is followed by a condition, be it a specific trait or any trait at all.
    • Development means “Engage  a Character with the specified trait, add X development counters to this card where X is the trait of the engaged character”.
    • Some Development abilities might modify these rules, such as only adding one counter, or using another statistic. Refer to the text of each development ability for the specifics.
    • Development counters by themselves do nothing, if a card that normally does not have development gains development the player may activate its ability and add counters to it, however they have no inherent rules meaning except the ones granted by card effects.
  • Disaster Level: Whenever a card with Disaster Level is deployed, each other player may search their deck or open market for up to X crisis cards where X is the Disaster Level number. Reveal them, put them into their respective hands and shuffle their deck.
  • DISRUPTOR: A card with DISRUPTOR forces a defending player to lose 1M money for each point of damage dealt to the player’s business. The DISRUPTOR effect is not triggered if the damage is not dealt to her business, i.e.: because of a block or the business is moved away in response to the attack.
  • ELUSIVE : Cards with ELUSIVE can only be attacked once per turn, which will make them harder to destroy in challenges as only one attacker will be able to deal damage to it. 
  • FLYING: A card with the FLYING ability can only be blocked by another card with the FLYING ability.  A card with the FLYING ability that is ENGAGED loses FLYING and can be attacked by characters without flying. A non-flying card may not retaliate against a flying card. 
  • INDEPENDENT: INDEPENDENT cards are immediately moved by their controller in the event that they are orphaned. 
  • INDESTRUCTIBLE: Cards with the Indestructible keyword cannot be destroyed, but can only be annihilated. INDESTRUCTIBLE cards may be reduced to zero in any trait, but remain in play. Effects that trigger upon death such as “when this card is destroyed” do not trigger, as the indestructible card does not enter the open market.
  • INITIATIVE: A card with INITIATIVE deals damage in a challenge first unless its defender also has INITIATIVE. If the a card with INITIATIVE can reduce its non-INITIATIVE defender's trait is to zero in combat, the defender does not get to deal retaliation damage back to the card with INITIATIVE. 
  • LOYAL: A card with LOYAL cannot be bought over by an opponent while the card is in play. It cannot be sold as well by controlling player.  You are able to buy LOYAL cards in the Open Market.
  • MELEE: A card  with Melee can only attack and retaliate into spaces a one card radius around it. This includes spaces diagonal to it and surrounded cards.
  • MOVE: The MOVE ability allows the card’s controller to move it into another location in the network. The Card being moved must be legally docked. If the card is in an engaged state, it remains in an engaged state when moved. If the card being moved has other cards under it (BONDED to it) those cards are move together. Moved cards do not count as being redeployed (i. e. Deployed again) so effects that trigger on deployment do not fire. 
  • MUTATION: A Card with the mutation ability deployed from hand allows the player controlling this card to search her deck for one card with the #mutation keyword, with valuation equal to or lower than the value of the MUTATION ability and deploy it for free. Example: MUTATION 4 means that when a card with MUTATION 4 is deployed, its controller searches her deck for a single mutation card (one only) which has a valuation of 4M or lower, and then deploys it without paying its valuation cost.
  • OVERWATCH: A card with the OVERWATCH ability does not require to be engaged when making a challenge/attack. As normal, each character may only make one attack each turn.
  • PENETRATOR: Cards with the PENETRATOR ability can attack surrounded cards, effectively ignoring the Surround rule. Cards with PENETRATOR can also attack bonded cards (i.e.: Cards bonded, or placed under, other cards).
  • PRECISION: Attacks/Challenges made by cards with the PRECISION ability cannot be blocked.
  • REFLEXES: A card with Reflexes may deal retaliation damage as many times as it is attacked. Normally, cards can only retaliate once per challenge phase.
  • REGENERATE: A card that has the regeneration ability can avoid being destroyed. Regeneration create several effects:  When a card with Regenerate is dealt enough damage to be destroyed, its controller  may activate its ‘regenerate’ ability, paying any applicable costs,  to cancel its destruction and reset all of its trait scores to their original printed value. It will not enter the Open market pile and it does not count as being redeployed, the card simply remains in play. If a card was engaged and is regenerated, it disengages. If the card is destroyed after Regenerate has been activated (And resolves), it will be destroyed unless its controller activates its Regenerate ability again. A card may choose to regenerate even if it's not being destroyed, however if it is subsequently destroyed after such an action (i.e.: the card was originally not being destroyed, and its controller opts to regenerate it and the regeneration resolves. Then an opponent destroys the card), the card will still be destroyed.
  • SWAP: A swap means the exchange of position of two cards in a network. The cards merely exchange slots, they are not deployed anew. If a challenge is declared on a card and then that card is swapped. The challenge will continue on the new card that is in the same slot.
  • SUPPRESSOR: A card with Suppressor causes its defender to engage once it attacks. If a block is declared, the blocker will instead become the defender and thus engaged. As the defender is engaged at the time the attack commences, it will not be able to retaliate. If multiple blockers are declared, only one of them becomes engaged (Attacker’s choice).
  • TERRAIN: Cards with terrain have: As you deploy a card you may choose to deploy it in the space occupied by this card, if you do, this card bonds to it.  Cards that this card bonds to don't gain this effect.
    • Cards with Terrain cannot be Engaged.
    • You make the choice when the cost of the card is paid as you announce it, when it is deployed, the terrain instantly bonds to it.
    • This is fact does let you choose an occupied space as a legal spot to deploy a card.
    • The terrain follows all rules bonded cards follow.