classic rules-02.png


This is the first step in learning how to play megacorp. We show you how to setup the game and touch on the turn sequence briefly - it is highly recommended to watch the next video "Turn sequence" in order to complete the basic understanding of the game.


A - Accounting Phase

  1. Upkeep.

  2. Cashflow.

  3. Disengage all cards. (Turn them the right side up)

  4. Reveal top card of Resource deck.

  5. Draw a card from main deck.

B – Buy Phase

Cards can be bought from- 

  1. hand.

  2. top (Revealed) card of resource deck.

  3. engaged cards from opponents network.

  4. top card of any players open market.

  5. LOYAL cards (Cards with the loyal ability) cannot be bought.

  • If two players buy an event from the top of an open market pile at the same time, they must bid for it. The higher bidder gets to deploy the card.

  • If the bids are the same rebid a maximum of three times until there is a winner, if not, no player can play the card this turn.

  • If the Active player buys another player's business, that player immediately loses the game.

C – Challenge Phase

  • Only characters can attack.

  • Each character may only attack once per turn.

  • Characters can attack any card, not just other characters.

  • Only characters can retaliate. (deal damage back)

Attacking procedure: (resolve each attack one by one)
   a) Select attacker.
   b) Select target.
   c) Select trait to attack with.
   d) Target decides if a blocker is declared.
   e) ONE adjacent, disengaged card can be declared as blocker, replacing the target as defender.
   f) Defending cards can block an unlimited number of times.
   g) The Defender does NOT engage.
   h) If defender is a character, it may retaliate with the same trait as it was attacked with if it is disengaged.
       (e.g: attacked with BQ, retaliates with BQ)
   i) Defending cards can only retaliate once per turn, even if it was attacked more than once. 
   j) Engaged cards cannot retaliate.

If the active player manages to DESTROY another player's business, that player immediately loses the game.

D – Divest Phase

  • Active player can sell ONE disengaged card in his or her network in this phase.

  • The sold card is placed on top of the open market pile and the player then receives the money component of the valuation.

  • No secondary cost (traits) are received by the player selling the card.

  • LOYAL cards may not be sold.

E – End Phase

  1. Destroy/place all event cards into the Open Market pile.

  2. Check for loss conditions:

  • If active player has no cards docked to business (Business is orphaned), he or she loses the game.

  • If active or ANY player has 0M (no money), that player loses the game.

  • If two players lose the game at the same time, it is a DRAW.


Combat in Megacorp is highly interactive


  • Only Characters can attack

  • Characters can attack once per turn

  • Characters can attack any type of card, not just other characters

  • Attacks commence when the active player selects the attacker, and the trait being used to attack. Remember that attacks target the top card of the SPACE that the defender occupies. If the defender moves away, the attack resolves but does nothing.

  • Once the defender declares blockers or refrains from declaring a blocker, the attack resolves and the attacker deals damage equal to its trait statistic to the defender. e.g.: The Glass Man deals 3 MQ to Selfish Consumers 1 MQ.


  • When attacked, controller of defending card can declare an adjacent, disengaged card (any type of card, not just characters) to take the place of the defender, i.e.: "Block"

  • Only characters can retaliate (deal damage back to attacker), using the same trait that it was attacked with

  • Characters may only retaliate once a turn


Events add a very dynamic dimension to Megacorp's gameplay

  • Events can be played anytime, even on an opponent's turn, in any phase.

  • All event cards (except permanent events are discarded at the end of each players turn.

  • When two players want to buy the same event at the same time, they must bid, and the bid must be equal to or higher than the valuation of the event bid for- the winner of the bid has to spend money equal to the bid made and any secondary trait cost. The loser of the bid does not need to spend anything. If all bids are the same, the card may not be bought this turn.

  • Event cards can be used as blockers, can be engaged to produce trait and also can be sold if disengaged during player's Divest (D) Phase.