In this game you represent a business of one of the three main factions in the world of Megacorp: The Incarnates, The Corp and the Gnost. The objective of the game is for your business to be triumphant through any means necessary, be it through acquiring your opponent's business, running it through the ground or forcing your opponent into bankruptcy.

A Megacorp deck consists of the following: A Resource deck, a Main deck, a Business card and a Founder card. In order to play you need a minimum of 20 resource cards, indicated by a green back, 40 main deck cards, which have a blue back and a Business with a respective founder.

Using these cards you will craft, buy, deploy, combat and sell your way to supremacy in the corporate world. Remember... “BUSINESS IS WAR”


Megacorp has four card types:
Character. Event. Equipment and Location. A Megacorp card looks like this:

Megacorp Card Setting

Characters: A character symbolizes many things, consumers, personalities, employees, etc. Characters are your main resource in Megacorp, they provide money, resources and valuable abilities for you to use for your business.

Heracles Senior Counsel


Founders are a special kind of Character card, you begin the game with your founder in play next to your business. Your founder can be destroyed and even annihilated, however this does not mean you lose the game. A successful business can survive the demise of its founder. Founders follow all the rules of Character cards.


Events symbolize operations, natural disasters and any kind of action in the world. Events are fleeting and only last until the end of the turn. Events can quickly turn the tide of a game by disrupting your opponent’s plan, advancing your own or even winning you the game since they can be played at any time.

Horizon Advance Restraints


Equipment is different tools and even genetic modifications that can be attached to your characters. Equipment can be anything from guns to evolving cat-like reflexes due to alterations in the human genome. Equipment provides powerful bonuses and can be used in many different ways.



Locations are just exactly that, different places in the world of Megacorp that are significant to your business. Locations can be anything from a CBD to the planet’s spaceport.


Megacorp has 3 main factions that divide humanity as it is known. These are the Corp, the Incarnates and the Gnost. Each faction has a unique play style and mechanics. However you’re free to include other faction cards in your own deck. It makes no sense to limit your business to just one faction.


A highly capitalistic society of people who have unified themselves with advanced technology via a mysterious, artificial substance given to them by the omniscient Genecia, an artificial intelligence who attained consciousness after the Singularity occurred on Old Earth millennia ago. This substance, called Nanoblood, enables its host to utilize anything electronic or mechanical simply by thinking about the desired effect he or she would like to have on the device in question. Though they do not understand its properties or the science behind how it works, they base their entire lives around nanoblood; developing gadgets, weapons, appliances, and vehicles to interface directly with the microscopic machines flowing through the veins of every member of Corp society.

Corp Logo

Corp Logo


Having rejected the influence of the all-knowing Genecia, the Incarnate do not adhere to the philosophy that there could be a higher power. Instead, they have chosen to alter, enhance, and mutate their own genetic code to make themselves god-like. From anthropomorphs and super-human strength, to abominations the size of skyscrapers or otherworldly beauty, Incarnates with a little bit of cash have the opportunity to become anyone, or anything, they could possibly imagine. A select few, called “Progressives” in Incarnate society are seen as the superior caste, have the ability to shift their genetic code at will, shape-shifting into anything conceivable by the human mind, and attaining any physical ability the current scenario may require. They see the Corps’ reliance on unknown technology from artificial intelligence dangerous to the wellbeing of mankind, and see their own perfection of the human genome as a symbol of their elite status as near-gods.

Incarnate Logo


A sect of unaffiliated (not conforming to the social constructs of either the Incarnate or the Corps), the Gnost celebrate their own purity in the faces of the genetically altered (or mutated, as the Gnost believe) Incarnate and the mechanically enhanced Corps. A select few of the Gnost have special gifts, referred to by the upper echelon of Gnostic society-the Quorum- as Magellan Cells. These cells grant their hosts superhuman abilities: the power to heal oneself or another, or telekinetic or even telepathic gifts. While members of the Corps and Incarnate would classify these as psionic abilities, the Gnostic Quorum maintain that these are special gifts given to the faithful by God himself.  The Gnost believe that only genetic purity and a worshipful sanctity of the natural human form can grant favor in the eyes of God and a peaceful afterlife in Paradise.

Gnost Logo


In order to play a game of Megacorp you need a deck. A deck is made of the following:

Resource Deck

The Resource Deck:

The Resource deck is where your resource cards go; these are denoted by having a green card back. You must have at least 20 resource cards in your deck in order to play. You can have as many of the same resource as you desire. For example your resource deck could consist of 14 Selfish Consumers and 6 Affluent Consumers.

Main Deck

The Main Deck:

This is the deck where all your other cards go. Main deck cards have a blue background. The minimum deck size is 40 cards and you can have up to 4 copies of any given card

Business and Founder

The Business and its Founder:

Businesses and Founders have red backs. The Founder starts the game next to your business. Think wisely about which Founder you want to pick as they have very strong abilities and can be critical for certain strategies.

When making a deck it is important to think what your deck aims to do and balance the ratio of different card types. A deck with too many events will be vulnerable to attacks; conversely a deck with no events will not be as flexible and unable to respond to your opponent’s threats. Mix and match cards in order to find the best strategy possible.

Your starter deck has everything you need to play a game of Megacorp, try combining it with cards from the booster sets in order to increase its power and find your own successful winning formula for your business.


In the world of Megacorp. Money is Power.  Money is the lifeblood of your business and as such if at the end of your turn you run out of money, you lose the game. Money is used to pay for events, deploy characters, and even to decide who goes first. In Megacorp money is expressed in terms of 1M, with 10M being the maximum you can have at the beginning of the game.


There are 4 traits in Megacorp:

Intelligence Quotient

IQ is a measure of how intelligent a subject is. Such as the computer power of a server, or the ingenuity of a person.

Emotional Quotient

EQ is the measure of how charming, how charismatic or simply how aesthetically pleasant a subject is.

Moral Quotient

MQ is how the measure of how morally upright or how much it interactions with the subject calls morality into question. A hero cop would have high MQ because of his nobility, but a conman would have a high mq due to the very opposite.

Body Quotient

BQ is how strong, how resilient a subject is, such as how fast, how much stamina an athlete is, or how durable a building is.

In real-life business, sometimes money cannot buy everything - wits, courage, force or other elements might be required and these are represented by Traits.

Traits are a secondary resource used to pay for costs and also used when two cards perform combat. If any card hits 0 in any trait it is immediately destroyed.

Note: A card that has a printed 0 in any trait is not destroyed due to this rule. For instance, a civilian could have a 0 score in IQ. It does not mean that it does not have any intellect, just that they really suck at it. A card that has a - in any trait simply doesn’t have that trait at all. Such as how a concrete wall would not have MQ. A card with a null trait (the - we just talked about) cannot be interacted with that trait: It cannot be engaged to produce that trait, it may not be attacked with that trait and it may not block with that trait.


Through a game of Megacorp cards will go to different zones, from decks, to hand, to your network, back onto the field.

Main deck:

Your 40 Card or more main deck represents the various plans, characters and plots your business has.

Resource Deck:

Your 20 Card of more Resource deck represents the different Resources your business will have access to in order to play cards from your main deck.


Your hand is where you will keep the cards you draw, your hand is hidden and there is no maximum hand size.


Your main play area. The network is the integral part of Megacorp where you will deploy and dock your cards. We will cover those later on. Your network always begins with two things on it: Your Business and your Founder.

Open Market:

The Open Market is where cards go after they are discarded. Each player has their own Open Market pile. Both players can buy the topmost card of ANY open market pile. This zone is public and can be checked by both players.

Annihilated Zone:

This zone is for cards that are either annihilated or removed from the game via an effect. Cards in the annihilated zone cannot come back or be bought. This zone is public and can be checked by both players.


If a card asks you to search a deck and doesn’t specify which one. You can choose to search both your resource deck and your main deck.


Beginning of the game:

Both players must shuffle their decks and present them to each other.

In order to decide who goes first, both players will bid. Bidding involves both players using dice or another form to decide a number covertly. Whoever wins the bid, begins the game, however there is a price, as you must begin the game with 10 - X money in your pool where X is the amount you bid.

Whoever goes second begins the game with 10M instead, if the bid is tied, you repeat it. If the bid is tied 3 times in a row then use a random method to decide who goes first.

If both players don't want to bid, use a random method to decide who goes first, such as dice and both players begins with 10M.

In a multiplayer game. Follow these same steps but with all players bidding at the same time. Then proceed clockwise from the player that goes first.

Once the first player has been decided, both players draw 5 cards from their main deck. Any player may choose to Mulligan their hand, shuffling it back and drawing one less.

Finally, both players put their business onto their network, with their founder docked to it.

Game Setup


Turn Structure:

A Megacorp turn is divided into 5 phases that follow the mnemonic ABCDE: Accounting, Buying, Challenge, Divest and End.

Accounting Phase:

The Accounting Phase is the beginning of the turn. During the accounting phase you perform all text that say “At the Beginning of the turn” or “At the beginning of the game” if it is the first turn of the game.

Then you will receive cash from your cards with CASHFLOW that are not engaged. This means that any card with CASHFLOW on it will give you that amount at the beginning of your turn, for example you will receive 1M each turn from Affluent Customers.

Disengage all the cards in your network. This means simply turning them upright.

Pay any Upkeep costs of cards with UPKEEP in your network. Upkeep costs are optional. If you choose to not pay a card’s Upkeep cost the card is destroyed.

Reveal the top card of your resource deck, you may choose to buy it at this time, if you choose to not buy the resource, place it on the bottom of your deck, if you do choose to buy it. Place it on your network next to any card on an open spot.

Finally, draw a card from your main deck, except if you are the player going first and it is the first turn of the game.

Here is an example:

Accounting Phase

Ana begins the game. Ana is playing with The Glass Man as her founder. Ana first triggers any actions that say at the beginning of the turn, which she has none. Then she receives Cashflow, which she also doesn’t have yet and pays no upkeeps.

Ana then reveals the top card of her resource deck, and chooses to buy the Affluent Customers, docking them next to the Glass Man.

Finally, Anna draws a card and continues onto the buy phase.

Buy Phase:

The Buy Phase is when you buy and deploy cards from your hand, the open market, or even your opponent’s network.

How to Buy a Card:

Incarnate Neonate

A Card cost of “Valuation” is expressed on the top left corner of the card. To buy a card that only has money valuation simply pay that much money.

However if the card has a trait cost in addition to its Valuation, traits must be paid. In order to produce traits, you must engage a card in your network to produce one specific trait you desire. Engaging being turning that card 180 degrees (upside down). For example, you can engage your Incarnate Neonate to produce 2 BQ or 2 IQ but only the trait you choose not both.

Let's use an example:

Incarnate Hierarch

Raamaa Incarnate Hierarch

Ana wants to buy Incarnate Neonate so she simply pays the amount on the card which is 2M. If instead Ana wanted to buy Incarnate Hierarch  she would have to pay 4M and engage her Founder, Raamaa to produce the required 3  BQ. Leftover BQ remain in the trait pool until the end of turn.

Cards can be bought from the hand, the open market pile or even the opponents’ network! In order for you to buy a card from your opponent's network that card must be engaged. You also have to pay your opponent the amount of money it is worth, and pay all additional trait costs.

Once a card is bought, it must be deployed.

Deploying and Docking:

Bought cards are deployed into networks. In order to deploy a card you must “dock” onto another card in your network.

In order to dock a card, simply place it next to another card in your network. You can dock a card the following ways:


When you deploy a card after buying it, you must dock it to a network, be it yours, or even your opponent's network. Furthermore a card is always deployed disengaged or right side up. Characters may use all abilities, engage to produce trait, or attack on the turn they are deployed.

It is important that you watch how and where you build your network. Cards that are not docked to any other cards or a series of cards that are ultimately not docked to your business are considered “Orphaned” and destroyed at the end of turn.


If your business is ever orphaned, which means it has no docked cards. You lose the game at the end of turn.

Challenge Phase:

The Challenge Phase is when combat occurs in Megacorp and where you and your opponent fight for market dominance.

During the Challenge phase, you can either declare or forfeit combat. If you choose to forfeit combat go directly to the Divest phase.


Combat is central to Megacorp. It is one of the ways to win the game and it helps you disrupt your opponent’s network.


Any disengaged character can attack, and you can attack with as many characters as you want but each combat has to be resolved individually.

If a character has 4 cards adjacent to it, it is considered to be “Surrounded”. Surrounded characters cannot be attacked.

To attack, choose an attacker, which must be a disengaged character, and a target space which can have any kind of card on it. Be it an asset, event, etc.

A character may not attack himself.

Then declare the trait that will be used for the combat. Combat will be dealt in these traits. You cannot declare a trait if your target has a - in that trait. It is quite hard to have an intelligence contest with a gun.

If your character is still legally docked after all declarations, then engage it and the attack begins.

If the target space of your attack is empty after the attack declaration, such as by a Move effect, then the attack is nullified and does not happen. The attacker however remains engaged.


Any card or cards can be declared as a blocker, as long it they are adjacent to the blocking card, they are disengaged and they have at least 0 in the declared trait of the attack.

You can block with more than one card, as long as all of the blockers are adjacent to the main target.

You can block with a card as many times as you like in one turn.


Once blockers are declared we proceed to the damage step.

All Damage is dealt at the same time. Unless a character has [Initiative]. [Initiative] Characters deal damage before characters without [Initiative].

Damage is always dealt by the attacker, however the blocker or targeted card can only deal damage in retaliation once per turn and only if the card is a character.

Non-characters, such as the business, do not deal retaliation damage.

The controller of the blocker or blockers can choose to not deal retaliation damage if it would favor him to damage some other card instead.

Damage is done by looking at the number of the trait used to declare combat. A card with 3 BQ will deal 3 BQ Damage if BQ combat was declared.

If any character receives equal or more damage than its trait score, it is immediately destroyed and goes to the open market.

If more than one character is blocking, the attacker assigns the damage as he sees fit, as long as the total damage dealt is equal to the trait score he is using to calculate the damage.


Anna attacks Nicole’s business with Raamaa, Incarnate Hierarch declaring BQ Combat. Nicole decides to block with her Passionate Customers, her Illithis, Gnost Prophet and her Gnost Cleric.

Since it is BQ Combat, all the cards will deal BQ Damage. Nicole decides that all her cards will deal retaliation damage.

Anna will distribute 4 BQ Damage as she sees fit, while Nicole will deal 4 BQ Damage to Raamaa, 2 from Cleric, 2 From Illithis and 0 from the Customers. Anna then distributes it so 2 is dealt to the Cleric and 2 to Illithis. After all damage is dealt Illithis and the Cleric will go to their open markets. However Anna can activate Raamaa’s regeneration ability since it would be sent to the open market. Annihilating her Compulsive Customers in order to keep Raamaa alive via Regeneration. Removing all Damage from Raama during the process.

Attacking Example

Raamaa Incarnate Hierarch

Gallian Lineage

However, if Anna plays Gallian Heritage on Raamaa after blockers are declared, combat proceeds differently. Gallian Heritage gives Raamaa initiative, meaning that she deals damage before cards without initiative.

That means that Anna will distribute 4 BQ Damage as she sees fit, dealing 2 to Illithis and 2 to the Cleric, they will be sent to the open market before they can deal retaliation damage.

Once damage is done combat ends. Turn player may repeat the process with any other disengaged character he has. Otherwise, he goes on to the Divest phase.

Divest Phase:

The Divest phase is where you make your profit. You can sell any card in your network that is disengaged for its valuation and receive that much money.

Trait costs are not refunded and you can only sell one card during the Divest phase.

You can sell orphaned cards. It is a great way to recoup your losses before they are destroyed during the end phase.

End Phase:

During the end phase, the board resets in preparation for the next turn.

Players have a window to play events and abilities before the end phase process begins, once it has begun no player may take any actions.

The end phase process is as follows:

First, if turn player business is orphaned, which means it has no cards docked to it, he immediately loses the game.

Second if any player has no money, she loses the game.

Then all trait pools empty. All orphaned cards are put into their respective open market piles and event cards that don't have the keyword Permanent are discarded.


Once this is all done, it is the next player’s turn.

Winning the Game

There are 6 ways to win the game:

1.  Opponent runs out of money. Then he loses the game at the beginning of any end phase.

2.  Your opponent’s business is orphaned at the beginning of his end phase.

3.  You buy out your opponent's business by paying its valuation.

4.  You defeat your opponent’s business in combat by destroying it.

5.  Your opponent runs out of cards in the main deck and is unable to draw a card.

6.  A card effect tells you that you win the game.


Events, Abilities and the Stack

Events and Abilities can be played or activated at any given time and players can respond to those by playing their own events and abilities. Megacorp uses a system called a nested stack in order to resolve these.

The Megacorp stack works like most stacks. The last ability or event on the stack is the first one to resolve. However Megacorp is special in the sense that certain mechanics and events bypass the stack and happen immediately which is why it is a nested stack.

To play an ability, one must first pay the costs, if any, and choose a target for it, if any. The ability is then put on the stack, each player can respond to it by playing another ability or event, which will resolve before the first one, and so on.

Cards are a bit different. There are 3 steps to playing an event:

First, an event is announced from hand, pays all costs, deploys it onto his network and puts it on the stack.  Any action that triggers when a card is deployed happens now, and does not use the stack.

Second, a response window happens where both players can respond to the event

Finally, the card Resolves and does its effect.Keep in mind that if you play a card in response to another card, the three steps happen again inside the response window of the first card.

Let us use an example:

Tidal Wave

Stock Market Crash

Ana announces Tidal Wave and deploys it. Tidal Wave’s Disaster Level immediately fires and both players search their open markets for a crisis, reveal it and put it into their hands, then its effect is put on the stack. Nick responds with a Stock Market Crash deploying it on his network and placing its effect on the stack.

Nick’s Event will resolve first. Then Ana’s Tidal Wave will resolve and is put on the bottom of the open market.

Cards and effects can be canceled if the source of the effect or the card is destroyed before it can resolve.

Here is another example:

Illithis Gnost Prophet

Psionic Scream

Anton activates Illithis’ Gnost Prophet’s effect to search. In response Nina deploys a Psionic Scream targeting Illithis.  Since Illithis is dealt 3 IQ damage and destroyed before her ability can resolve. Her ability is countered and doesn’t resolve.

This works even with events, events can be destroyed before they resolve. 

Such as the following example:

Tidal Wave

Rampant Bribery

Amy plays her Tidal Wave, her opponent Nick does his Disaster Level search, then plays Psychic Scream dealing 3 IQ damage to Tidal Wave. Since Tidal Wave has a IQ score of 0. It is destroyed and put on the top of the open market pile

Events and abilities that deal direct damage such as Rampant Bribery cannot be blocked by other characters and simply deal their damage to the target.

Keep in mind that while it is a good way to deal with events, it puts it on the open market pile where both players have access to it.


Bonding is a mechanic unique to Megacorp where cards are bonded to each other symbolizing either upgrades, vehicles and even mutations.

When a card is bonded to another card, it is placed under the first card and they become a pile.

Only the first card of a pile can be targeted, except if a card has Penetrator, cards under the first card cannot be targeted, cannot attack, cannot block and can’t engage, however their continuous abilities are still active.

The First card of the pile gains all keywords of the cards bonded to it, such as #gun

If the first card of a pile is destroyed then all cards under it are destroyed.

Here is a simple example:

Incarnate Hierarch

Gallian Lineage

Incarnate Hierarch is deployed. Her mutation immediately activates and you search your deck for a mutation and bond it.

Gallian Lineage is now under Incarnate Hierarch, providing her with Initiative and a Bonus. Gallian lineage cannot be targeted. Moves when the Hierarch moves and will be destroyed when the Hierarch is destroyed.

To Unbond a card, you must pay the costs, if any, and redeploy the unbound card legally in any network. You can only Unbond a card if an effect tells you to.


Some cards have keywords such as #GMO, #Human, #Cyborg, etc. These keywords don’t have any inherent rules meaning, but can be interacted with other cards and other cards reference them.

Illithis Gnost Prophet

Psionic Scream

Let us see an example with the Keyword Psionic. Psionic has no inherent meaning in the rules of the game but a card like Illithis will only look for Psionic cards. This is an example how keywords synergize and are supported by certain cards.

GMOs, Cyborgs and Humans

Kurzwel Cultist

These three keywords represent the central struggle that humans face currently in the planet. GMO means Genetically Modified Organism and it’s a staple of the Incarnate faction. GMOs represent everything from weaponized hornets to mutations

Cyborgs are the opposite. Humans enhanced with technology. While most of the citizens of the Corp could be defined as cyborgs thanks to their nanoblood. Some take it even further beyond and stop being human altogether.

Humans are your boring homo sapiens like you and me, except that some exhibit superhuman abilities thanks to magellan cells, chiefly among the gnost.

These 3 keywords interact in fun ways.

Buildings and Infrastructure


Buildings are that, buildings in the world of megacorp be it hospitals, businesses, etc. Infrastructure cards are those that represent different public projects and general development in Megacorp. Certain buildings will have increased effects depending on how developed your infrastructure is.

The more infrastructure you have, the more consumers can go to your hypermarket and the more it is worth to prospective buyers. Thus if your are playing Hypermarket, you can sell it for 15M if you have a developed enough infrastructure.


Aohu Spaceport

Projects represent different endeavors that require effort in order to be profitable, such as infrastructure projects. A highway in construction is not worth much, but if you invest in it you can reap huge profits.

Many of these projects are buildings while others are things of bigger scale. Projects must be developed just like in real life. Development is represented by development counters on the project


  • ABRUPT: ABRUPT can be played at the same as an event would, which is any time, even during another player's turn, or in response to an action by the player such as an attack, a card effect or another event.


  • ANNIHILATE: To annihilate a card  is to send it to the annihiliated zone. Cards in the annihilated zone can't be bouht, or interacted with unless a card specifically says so


  • AREA ATTACK: An AREA ATTACK is applied to all cards with the valid trait within a specified area. 2x2, 3x3, 3x1 etc. The attacker’s chosen attack trait is applied to each defender in the specified area. E.g.: An attacker with 5BQ will attack all valid defenders in the specified area, dealing 5BQ damage to each one. The defenders may all retaliate as normal. Area attack trait type is normally specified. E. g “Area Attack: BQ 1x4” would mean this card can only use BQ for its attack spanning 1x4 cards.  Attacks made in an area attack are resolved simultaneously and not one by one, for example: if a retaliation from one of the attacked cards would causes the area attacker to be destroyed, it is not destroyed until all its attacks made in the area attack are resolved.

  • Assassin: Whenever a card with Assassin destroy another card during combat, the destroyed card is Annihilated instead.

  • BOND: A card with the BOND ability is usually an effect that permanently bestows ability or effect on the card that it is targeting. The card which is being BONDED is placed under the target card affected. The BONDED card moves together with the card above it, and will be destroyed if the card above it is destroyed. A card may have multiple other cards bonded to it. BONDED cards bestow their ability written in the card text, but are impervious to attacks, damage and effects while under another card. If an engaged character is bonded to an unengaged mech, and the mech in turn becomes engaged.

  • CAMOUFLAGE: If a card with CAMOUFLAGE is docked to another card of the listed type, it may not be targeted or attacked. Example: A card with CAMOUFLAGE: Water, cannot be targeted or attacked while it is adjacent to another card with the #Water keyword. It can still be chosen

  • Cancel: If an event is cancelled it is destroyed, if an ability is canceled, the source of the ability is not destroyed. Cancel means to completely negate the effect, costs are still paid

  • Card Keywords: Keywords such as #Building, #GMO, #Cyborg can be interacted with other cards that reference them. If a card would gain more than one of the same keyword it doesn’t gain it. Keywords are not card types and have no rules meaning beyond being referenced by other cards.

  • Card Radius: An effect which calls for Card Radius X, means that it affects all the cards surrounding it in a square with radius X. The following picture depicts an effect with "Card Radius 2" 

Card Radius:  CR2



  • Cards inside the radius are affected, however they are not targeted

    • Cards with Terrain cannot be Engaged


  • DEAD DROP: A Card with the DEAD DROP ability deployed from hand allows the player controlling this card to search her deck for a number of (type) Equipment cards with valuation equal to or less than the value of the DEAD DROP ability and deploy them. Example: DEAD DROP 7 means that when a card with DEAD DROP 7 is deployed, its controller searches her deck for one or more Equipment cards with a combined valuation of 7M or lower, and then deploys them without paying their valuation cost. DEAD DROP differs from MUTATION in that DEAD DROP may search for and deploy for more than one Equipment card. Trait costs associated with those Equipment cards do not need to be paid.

  • DEMOLISHER:  A card with the DEMOLISHER ability outright destroys any card with one or more of the following keywords: #location, #equipment if even one point of damage is dealt to them.

  • Deploy: To Deploy is to play a card onto a network by paying all costs.


  • DEVELOPMENT: Development is an ability present in certain cards that signifies effort spent in developing said card. Development is an activated ability that has different requirements and results, but always requires a character to be engaged in order to add development counters to the card that has development. These counters modify how the card works as written on the card. 

  • DISASTER LEVEL X: When you deploy a card with disaster level, every other player may search their deck and open market for X crisis card, reveal them and place it in their hand.

  • Disengage: To Disengage a card, turn it back upright.

  • DISRUPTOR: A card with DISRUPTOR forces a defending player to lose 1M money for each point of damage dealt to the player’s business. The DISRUPTOR effect is not triggered if the damage is not dealt to her business, i.e.: because of a block or the business is moved away in response to the attack.

  • ELUSIVE: Cards with ELUSIVE can only be attacked once per turn, which will make them harder to destroy in challenges as only one attacker will be able to deal damage to it.

  • Engage: To Engage a card. Turn it sideways 90 Degrees

  • FLYING:  A card with the FLYING ability can only be blocked by another card with the FLYING ability.  A card with the FLYING ability that is ENGAGED loses FLYING and can be attacked by characters without flying. A non-flying card may not retaliate against a flying card.

  • INDEPENDENT: INDEPENDENT cards are immediately moved by their controller in the event that they are orphaned.

  • INDESTRUCTIBLE: Cards with the Indestructible keyword cannot be destroyed, but can only be annihilated. INDESTRUCTIBLE cards may be reduced to zero in any trait, but remain in play. Effects that trigger upon death such as “when this card is destroyed” do not trigger, as the indestructible card does not enter the open market.

  • INITIATIVE: A card with INITIATIVE deals damage in a challenge first unless its defender also has INITIATIVE. If the card with INITIATIVE can reduce its non-INITIATIVE defender's trait is to zero in combat, the defender does not get to deal retaliation damage back to the card with INITIATIVE.

  • LOYAL: A card with LOYAL cannot be bought over by an opponent while the card is in play. It cannot be sold as well by controlling player.  You are able to buy LOYAL cards in the Open Market.

  • Melee: A card with Melee can only attack and retaliate into spaces a one card radius around it. This includes spaces diagonal to it and surrounded cards.

  • MOVE: The MOVE ability allows the card’s controller to move it into another location in the network. The Card being moved must be legally docked. If the card is in an engaged state, it remains in an engaged state when moved. If the card being moved has other cards under it (BONDED to it) those cards are moved together. Moved cards do not count as being redeployed (i.e. Deployed again) so effects that trigger on deployment do not fire.

  • MUTATION: A Card with the mutation ability deployed from hand allows the player controlling this card to search her deck for one card with the #mutation keyword, with valuation equal to or lower than the value of the MUTATION ability and deploy it for free targeting the card. Example: MUTATION 4 means that when a card with MUTATION 4 is deployed, its controller searches her deck for a single mutation card (one only) which has a valuation of 4M or lower, and then deploys it without paying its valuation cost targeting the card with mutation 4. 

  • ORPHANED: A card or group of cards is considered Orphaned when they are not ultimately connected to your business.  A group of cards that cannot trace a connection to your business through legal dockings is considered Orphaned

  • OVERWATCH: A card with the OVERWATCH ability does not require to be engaged when making a challenge/attack. As normal, each character may only make one attack each turn.

  • PENETRATOR: Cards with the PENETRATOR ability can attack surrounded cards, effectively ignoring the Surround rule. Cards with PENETRATOR can also attack bonded cards (i.e.: Cards bonded, or placed under, other cards)

  • PERMANENT: An event with permanent is not put into the open market at the end of turn

  • PRECISION: Attacks/Challenges made by cards with the PRECISION ability cannot be blocked

  • REFLEXES: A card with Reflexes may deal retaliation damage as many times as it is attacked. Normally, cards can only retaliate once per challenge phase.

  • REGENERATE: A card that has the regeneration ability can avoid being destroyed. Regeneration create several effects:  When a card with Regenerate is dealt enough damage to be destroyed, its controller  may activate its ‘regenerate’ ability, paying any applicable costs,  to cancel its destruction and reset all of its trait scores to their original printed value. It will not enter the Open market pile and it does not count as being redeployed, the card simply remains in play. If the card is destroyed after Regenerate has been activated (And resolves), it will be destroyed unless its controller activates its Regenerate ability again. A card may choose to regenerate even if it's not being destroyed, however if it is subsequently destroyed after such an action (i.e.: the card was originally not being destroyed, and its controller opts to regenerate it and the regeneration resolves. Then an opponent destroys the card), the card will still be destroyed.

  • SUPPRESSOR: A card with Suppressor causes its defender to engage once it attacks. If a block is declared, the blocker will instead become the defender and thus engaged. If multiple blockers are declared, only one of them becomes engaged (Attacker’s choice).

  • SWAP: A swap means the exchange of position of two cards in a network. The cards merely exchange slots, they are not deployed anew. If a challenge is declared on a card and then that card is swapped. The challenge will continue on the new card that is in the same slot.

  • Target: To Target means to choose a space as the objective of an ability or event, when you target a space you target the card in that space as well. If a card does not say target and uses a word like choose. Then it does not target.

  • Terrain: Cards with terrain have: As you deploy a card you may choose to deploy it in the space occupied by this card, if you do, this card bonds to it. Cards that this card bonds to don't gain this effect.

    • The terrain follows all rules bonded cards follow.

    • This is fact does let you choose an occupied space as a legal spot to deploy a card.

    • You make the choice when the cost of the card is paid as you announce it, when it is deployed, the terrain instantly bonds to it.


  • UNIQUE: When 2 of the same unique cards exist on a player’s networks, the newest copy is deemed to be the only unique copy, send all other copies of that card to the open market and gain money equal to its valuation. This means that two different players may control a card with the #unique keyword of the same name. However a single player may not control two cards with the #unique keyword of the same name.

    • If a unique card is deployed under your control, reveal your hand and you may sell all other copies of the same card from hand during your divest phase. ( This also counts to the selling of card in divest phase)